Monday, 25 February 2013

Japanese mythology - concept idea

An old tale from Japanese mythology


Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun and the heavens. She has a long standing rivalry with her brother, Susanoo, the god of storms and the sea.
After being asked to leave heaven, Susanoo proposed a challenge to prove his sincerity to his sister. They each took an item from each other, Susanoo took Amaterasu's necklace and her, his sword. They birthed god and goddess from each item, Susanoo, 5 men and Amaterasu, 3 women. Claiming the 5 god belonged to her as they were birthed from her necklace. Susanoo caused chaos going on a rampage and killing one of his sisters attendants, Amatrasu rage and grief caused her to hide away inside the 'heavenly rock cave'. hiding the sun for a long time. After being persuaded to leave she banished Susanoo from heaven.

This story is something we could use and loosely base our fashion film on

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